Thanks to our team of experts, we produce all type of documents technical and/or scientific: Expert Reports of Party / Judicial Expert Opinions Extrajudicial and Pre Reports of Extrajudicial. And its ratification in Judgment in the event that necessary.
We offer different types of expert appraisals of traffic Accidents how to: expert reports, expert appraisals of vehicles, accident reconstruction, evaluation of damages and analysis of deformations.
Breakdowns, mileage falsified, causes of accidents, etc, For the expert it is necessary to analyze and to study carefully the case, from the documentation provided by the client, and make the corresponding visual inspection of the vehicle.
Reconstruction of accidents. For the expert specialist is needed to analyze and study carefully the case, from the information of the statement but also from his own methodology:
- Analysis of the statement and/or technical report
- Analysis of statements of witnesses
- Ocular inspection of the place
- Inspection of the different vehicles involved
- Identification of victims
- Analysis of fingerprints
- Analysis of disks of tachograph
- Realization of measurements and calculations
Disagreements with the insurance company: Normally, the expert witnesses are professionals who are responsible for assessing the repair. In case of not being satisfied with the expert's insurance, as an individual you can hire a expert to own that account with the same validity as that of the that may have of the insurance company. The experts, in their majority, tend to use a computer tool that is called “Audatex“, referrer and standard market in services and solutions for the valuation of claims. In 80% of the valuations of claims that are currently performed in Spain, is using solutions from Audatex.
We are specialized in the processing, management and development of all types of expert reports. Our team of experts performs appraisals, expert opinions and reports court and part in a wide variety of disciplines and/or specializations.
We collaborate with professionals of recognized prestige and experience verifiable in their professional field and court. The experts have been selected and ratified in advance by our company, to ensure the provision of their professional services.