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Year of manufacture: 1926. Without the documentation. Budget tuition and/or historical depending on the autonomous community. Original state. Full....
1st Registration: 1959. Engine: 2/236cc. Tuition national, Córdoba. Color: sky Blue and white, inside original game. In perfect state of functioning.
1st Registration: 1958. Engine: 1/196,85 cc. Tuition national, Barcelona. Color: Red and white, inside original game. Roof removable. Car...
1st Registration: 1992. Type of change: Manual. 40,000 Km. Tuition national. Barcelona. Color: Red, inside original game. In perfect state of...
SERIES number: 672117 Type of change: Manual. Engine. 6/3446cc. Registered as historical vehicle. Color: Turquoise metallic, interior original...
1st Registration: 1954. Type of change: Manual. Color: Red, inside original game. In perfect state of functioning. There are only 16 units in the...